- JUDGEMENT n. 6142/2020 of 09/10/2020 - conviction for Rodolfo Saccani, Maria Teresa Curto, Natalia Porciunculas, Marzo Lanzotti (PDF, original document in italian)
- JUDGEMENT for criminal proceedings n. 000499/2019 - Milan Court of Appeal - towards Marco Lanzotti (PDF, in Italian)
UPDATE 22 MAY 2019
Headline on the newspaper “Il Giorno”: “Trafugò dati sensibili, tecnico comunale a giudizio” (translated: “Having stolen sensitive data, municipal technician in court”)
Headline on the digital newspaper “Merateonline.it”: “La Valletta: entra nel vivo il processo al consigliere Lanzotti per i dati ‘trafugati’” (translated: “La Valletta: the trial of Councilor Lanzotti for the stolen data enters into the main phase”)
Headline on the digital newspaper “Merateonline.it”: “La Valletta: già condannato a 18 mesi, il consigliere Lanzotti di nuovo a giudizio” (translated: “La Valletta: already sentenced to 18 months, the counselor Lanzotti again in trial”)
COURT OF MILAN, 12 December 2014:
(English Legal translation):
- ORDER in the pre-trial proceedings registered under no. 10505 in the year 2014 in the General Registry (PDF)
- ORDER in the pre-trial proceedings registered under no. 10505 in the year 2014 in the General Registry (text)
- ORDER in the pre-trial proceedings registered under no. 10505 in the year 2014 in the General Registry (Legal copy)
The Ordinance No. 10505-2014 R.G. was the subject of complaint by AdGlamor Srl (notified to Lucini & Lucini on 15 Jan ‘15 ), the hearing will be held at the Court of Milan on 5 Feb ‘15.
UPDATE 9 February 2015, AdGlamor Appeal Rejected:
The Court rejects AdGlamor Srl’s claim and confirms, in its entirety, the precautionary ORDER against AdGlamor Srl and Marco Lanzotti:
- COURT ORDER in response to the complaint made by ADGLAMOR (PDF)
- COURT ORDER in response to the complaint made by ADGLAMOR (text)
- COURT ORDER in response to the complaint made by ADGLAMOR (Legal copy)
On January 15th, 2015 Lucini & Lucini initiated the proceedings on the merits versus AdGlamor Srl, Marco Lanzotti and others. The process is now ongoing in the Court of Milan, Department Specialising in Business Matters.
UPDATE 22 December 2015, preventive Seizure Order Authorized:
On October 28th, 2015 Lucini & Lucini requested a preventive seizure order during the proceedings against AdGlamor S.R.L. On December 22nd, 2015 the Court expressed the following:
(English Legal translation):
- Order No. 2996/2015: Seizure Order against AdGlamor S.R.L. (PDF)
- Order No. 2996/2015: Seizure Order against AdGlamor S.R.L. (text)
- Order No. 2996/2015: Seizure Order against AdGlamor S.R.L. (Legal copy)
UPDATE 19 February 2016, AdGlamor Appeal Rejected:
Order No. 2996/2015-2 R.G. was the subject of appeal by AdGlamor S.R.L.. On February 19th, 2016 the Court rejected the appeal and confirmed the order authorized on the 22nd December, 2015 against AdGlamor S.R.L.:
- Order in response to the appeal of ADGLAMOR S.R.L. (PDF)
- Order in response to the appeal of ADGLAMOR S.R.L. (text)
- Order in response to the appeal of ADGLAMOR S.R.L. (Legal copy)
UPDATE 20 JUNE 2016, Preventive Seizure Order
On March 16th, 2016 Lucini&Lucini requested a preventive seizure order during the proceedings against Marco Lanzotti, Monika Bernas, Maria Teresa Curto, Giorgio Premi, Rodolfo Saccani and Natalia Porciuncula. On June 20th, 2016 the Court expressed the following:
(English Legal translation):
- Order No. 2996/2015-3: defendants Marco Lanzotti-Monika Bernas-Maria Teresa Curto-Giorgio Premi-Rodolfo Saccani and Natalia Porciuncula (PDF)
- Order No. 2996/2015-3: defendants Marco Lanzotti-Monika Bernas-Maria Teresa Curto-Giorgio Premi-Rodolfo Saccani and Natalia Porciuncula (text)
- Order No. 2996/2015-3: defendants Marco Lanzotti-Monika Bernas-Maria Teresa Curto-Giorgio Premi-Rodolfo Saccani and Natalia Porciuncula (Legal copy)
The precautionary measures of the Court are of temporary nature, susceptible to confirmation, amendment or withdrawal in the proceedings on the merits.
By application to the Court of Milan on February 20th 2014, Lucini&Lucini filed versus AdGlamor Srl (Twitter page) and Marco Lanzotti (ADGLAMOR SRL’s CTO) for:
- Theft of secrets.
- Unfair competition.
- Violation of Database rights.
- Violation of AdSender software rights and of proprietary contents rights.
The precautionary measures of the Court are of temporary nature, susceptible to confirmation, amendment or withdrawal in the proceedings on the merits.