Terms & Conditions

A. Disclaimer

The User acknowledges and agrees that Lucini & Lucini Communications, its collaborators or its suppliers are not responsible:
Lucini & Lucini Communications is in no way responsible for the content and services put on the Websites that the User accesses through this site. When the User accesses another Website, one must remember that this is independent of this site and the latter has no control over the content of that Website. Moreover, the existence of a hyperlink to another Website does not imply approval or acceptance of responsibility, neither partial nor indirect by Lucini & Lucini Communications on the contents or use of the site.

Moreover, Lucini & Lucini Communications is not responsible in any way for the quality of services of connectivity used to connect to the network and access the site and use the services available. Provided that the services offered by portals managed by Lucini & Lucini Communications are done with the highest possible accuracy, the User acknowledges and agrees that the use of this site is at the User’s sole risk. The User agrees that the site and all its contents, including services offered, are provided “as they are” and “with errors”. Lucini & Lucini Communications therefore makes no warranty of any kind, explicit or implicit, regarding such content, including, without limitation, legality, right of ownership, convenience or suitability for particular uses.

Lucini & Lucini Communications ensures that the site was carried out in compliance with all safety measures required by legislation, but for obvious reasons cannot guarantee that it is compatible with the user equipment or for unforeseen circumstances that may cause damage to the user (bugs etc.). Consequently, Lucini & Lucini Communications is not responsible for damage incurred by the User linked to those events.

Lucini & Lucini Communications cannot in any way be held liable for the continued availability of telephone lines and equipment that the User uses to access this site. Lucini & Lucini Communications reserves the right to inhibit or prohibit or suspend at any time and without notice, access to this site and related services.

B. Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances, including (without limitation) negligence, can Lucini & Lucini Communications, its suppliers or collaborators be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential damages arising from the use of this Website or other Websites linked to it by a hyperlink, including (without limitation), damages such as loss of profits or revenue, interruption of business or professional activity, loss of programs or other data located on the User’s computer system or other system. This current opt-out of responsibilities is not intended to evade compliance with the requirements prescribed by the Law or to exclude responsibility in cases where it cannot be excluded by applicable law.


The entire content (script code, graphics, text, tables, images, sounds) and the information contained within Lucini & Lucini Communications sites is protected under copyright law, therefore nothing even partly, may be copied, altered or resold for profit or to gain any benefit. Every product or company mentioned in this site are trademarks of their respective owners or holders and may be protected by patents and / or copyrights granted or registered by the responsible authorities.

Reproduction of the texts provided in electronic form is permitted for personal, non commercial use, provided the source is mentioned. Lucini & Lucini Communications reserves the right to modify the contents of the site and legal information at any time without notice. Sites that use the logo (or part of the logo) of Lucini & Lucini Communications are not authorized to do so and in any event such use does not confer on the part of Lucini & Lucini Communications’s official character of the site.